ILS Show, the first French* program that brings together leading experts to discuss about Insurance Linked Securities. *(VOSTEN)
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ILS Show n°4

An unknown but exciting topic in this industry.
The securitization of insurance and reinsurance risks is, indeed, an unknown but exciting topic in this industry.
This is the meeting point of the reinsurance and capital markets for risk transfer. Even though this is still a marginal part of the business it comes out as an efficient and tested set of tools to support the (re)insurance sector. It has obviously its own challenges to face but as a matter of fact, non-traditional reinsurance such as catastrophe bonds, collateralized reinsurance, sidecars and others is also a very innovative and disruptive area.
Previous programs 👇
Replay ILS Show n°3
💻 ILS: Valuation & Transparency of the Information
In the specific case of ILS, what are the most common approaches to determining a valuation and what are the main differences, if any, between different ILS products?
🌍 ILS: what ESG challenges to face?
ESG is an umbrella term for the various approaches to integrating Environmental, Social and Governance issues into financial management.
Re/insurers are more exposed to sustainability issues and ESG risk management is therefore an existential issue for them.
Replay ILS Show n°2
Replay ILS Show n°1
🤝How to structure an ILS under French law?
It is the point of convergence of reinsurance and financial markets to transfer risks. It appears to be an efficient tool to support the growth of insurance and reinsurance companies.
It has its own challenges, of course, but non-traditional reinsurance is also a very innovative and disruptive segment of the business.
Want to know more?
Each quarter, Mathieu selects topics related to Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) in order to address current issues specific to this activity. This newsletter is an opportunity to learn more about these financial instruments and to benefit from market analysis 💡
Exclusive bonus interviews 🎙
In the continuity of the ILS Show, find interviews conducted by Mathieu Halm whom is interviewing leading experts who "do" ILS from Paris.