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At Arundo Re, we are committed to professional equality between women and men

Index on professional equality between women and men

Gender equality, a priority and daily issue

Arundo Re confirms the validity of the initiatives already implemented on all subjects relating to professional equality between women and men with a score of 94 points out of 100.

The agreement concerning professional equality between men and women and quality of life at work was renewed for an indefinite period on November 21, 2024. The management and social partners have thus reiterated their willingness to continue their actions regarding Gender Equality, particularly by:

  • developing gender diversity in various professions and levels of responsibility in the company, starting with recruitment,
  • increasing promotions for women,
  • ensuring equal treatment in the assessment of objectives, in the allocation of individual raises and in the payment of bonuses for all categories,
  • taking measures to ensure fair compensation in terms of remuneration,
  • sharing experiences of employees who have progressed in their careers,
  • setting up and promoting women's networks to develop exchanges and sharing experiences.

Since 2017, Arundo Re, agreements on professional equality between women and men are applicable. A particular attention is paid to this subject during salary negotiations and annual staff reviews.

What is the gender equality index?

Decree No. 2019-15 of January 8th 2019, implementing the provisions aimed at eliminating pay gaps between women and men in the company, a Gender Equality Index has been set up. This index is composed of 4 indicators:
  • Indicator 1: "Gender pay gap" (40 points) [Arundo Re: 34/40].
  • Indicator 2: "Gender pay gap rate" (35 points) [Arundo Re: 35/35].
  • Indicator 3: "Percentage of female employees receiving a raise following their return from maternity leave" (15 points) [Arundo Re: 15/15]
  • Indicator 4: "Number of employees of the under-represented gender in the 10 highest paid" (10 points) [Arundo Re: 10/10].
For the exercise 2024 (year 2023), Arundo Re Index reaches an overall score of 94 points out of 100.


photos index 2023 femmes hommes

Overall index score of Arundo Re


👇Women in high positions of responsibility share their experiences.

For the International Women's Rights Day (8th March), we took the habit to interviewing women from our sector in order to get their point of view on the issue of gender equality in companies. This year, discover 3 new podcast interviews.

This year, from March 8th, discover new interviews!

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